I have been rather surprised to see women expressing discuss over uncircumcised penises. Obviously, they are not very well educated about the issue, and may not have been with men who are uncircumcised.
Before I get into the education on the foreskin, I warn you that I am for uncircumcised penises, and hope one day, people will stop mutilating children as a regular practice.
SKIP THIS PARAGRAPH IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW MY RELIGIOUS VIEWS ON IT. This is NOT a religious article, though I want to state that I know the Old Testament was demanding circumcision the 8th day, and I also know that Jesus came to fulfill the Old Testament and leave us with a New Testament. Jesus, being Jewish, was circumcised. Remember he had to fulfill the law. The New Testament explains in Romans 2:28-29 that circumcision is of the heart and not of the flesh. "...a person is a jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code." In my opinion, unless you are still living by the Old Testament, there is no religious reason to circumcise a child anymore.
For all you men who have not been circumcised, thank your parents. There is no need to circumcise unless you have a medical condition. The foreskin is to the penis, as the nail is to the finger or toe. It is there to protect and more.
Did you know that while a boy is growing up, there is smegma under the skin, which contains vitamin E, natural oils, dead skin cells, and antimicrobial enzymes? That means all systems to keep your penis lubricated, fighting friction, infections, bacteria and irritations are under that beautiful skin.
The build up of smegma allows the skin to glide back and forth more easily as the penis gets bigger. Eventually, the skin can be pulled back to see the glands of the penis. Like the vagina, the plumbing to keep genitals clean are built in. Using soaps and other products actually messes with the natural systems and can cause irritations, infections, yeast build up, and more. Cleaning with water is enough. Clean your genitals like you clean your eyes. No soap and harsh products at all.
In sexually active men, daily cleaning will deminish the amount of smegma, but some will always remain as extra lubrication during intercourse.
Does being circumcised make a man's sexual pleasure better or worse? Neither.
There is no research that proves a difference in sexual satisfaction for the man. It is possible that the uncircumcised penis is more sensitive because it is hiding in it's juices and blanket most of the time. It can be more pleasurable for your partner because of the extra lube. Using oil will do the same thing. There are a few extra things you can do with an uncircumcised penis, but if someone grew up without foreskin, they wouldn't know if they are missing anything.
Remembering that the glands of the clitoris is covered by skin that is very much like a hood, and for full satisfaction the skin needs to be pulled back, the uncircumcised penis is the same. The penis and the entire clitoris are not that different.
In conclusion, there are people who are Cock Masters and won't mind whether someone is circumcised or not. Then there are those who have no clue what to do with a penis whether it is circumcised or not. Be grateful for the penis you have and take good care of it.

If you want to become a Cock Master, contact me and let's get started. All it takes is a few sessions and practice. info@dianedelina.com